Our Church to Church work sits at the heart of ABM as it embraces particularly the first two Marks of Mission: Witness to Christ’s saving, forgiving and reconciling love for all people; and Build welcoming, transforming communities of faith.
While the Theological Education Program is at the forefront of this work, it is complemented by the Encounter Program.
ABM sees quality, contextual Theological Education as something that is of prime importance. If that all sounds a bit fuzzy, what it means in practical terms is that we want our Partners to be able to raise up their people for the ordained ministry (that is, to train them to become deacons and priests) to the very best of their ability. We also want them to be trained in a way that fits into their own cultures and their own specific circumstances. That’s because ministry in a village setting in Papua New Guinea will be, of necessity, quite different from ministry in an urban parish in Brisbane. Ministry in a town in Zambia will be quite different from ministry in a suburban parish in Melbourne. Of course, some things will be similar, but many things will be unique to their context.
The Encounter program is designed to allow for further formation once a person has been ordained. It is also open to lay people who have a strong connection with the Church. ABM invites our partners to send specially selected candidates to come to Australia to spend up to three months here. During that time the candidates will not only work towards their own study objectives or vocational goals (such as learning about chaplaincy) and learn about Anglicanism in Australia but also speak to the Anglicans in the parishes to which they are assigned about what life is like in their home countries and what it is like to be an Anglican there. In that way a space for a reciprocal two-way dialogue is opened to the benefit of both sides of the conversation.
Your gift to ABM’s Church to Church work is a great way to show your solidarity with your fellow Anglicans overseas. We appreciate your interest, your prayers and your monetary support, and our Overseas Partners do too.
Theological Education
Support ABM’s partners in PNG and Zambia to train, equip and form leaders to be effective workers for the sake of the Gospel.
Encounter Program
Support ABM’s partners experience ministry in Australia, reaching their own learning goals while sharing ministry lessons with Australian Anglicans.
Almighty God, you sent your Son Jesus Christ to establish your Church here on earth, in order that the Gospel may be proclaimed throughout the whole world.
Hear us now as we give thanks for those who announce your inbreaking kingdom to others through their various ministries.
We praise you for all those Australian Anglicans who generously support ABM’s Church to Church work, wanting to see the Good News passed on to others around the globe.
Bless all who make your name known.
Hear our prayer for your love’s sake.
We hope to raise
for these programs
Donation code: XG020
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Your gift to ABM’s Church to Church work is a great way to show your solidarity with your fellow Anglicans overseas. We appreciate your interest, your prayers and your monetary support, and our Overseas Partners do too.
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