Into the Desert
ABM invites you to journey into the Australian desert during Lent with 40 days of bible readings, reflections, sayings and prayer suggestions...
Missional Prayers
A monthly prayer resource for the Australian Anglican Church and Overseas Partners...
Songs from a Strange Land
Scripture readings, quotes, photographs, poems, cartoons and songs take you through Advent and Incarnation with a particular...
Deep Calls to Deep
ABM offers a valuable spiritual resource for this difficult time. Celia Kemp leads us through the deep waters of fear, anxiety and death and into an abiding...
Pew Reflections
ABM's quarterly Pew Reflections are available as a resource for prayer and for reflecting on a mission. Please consider using these in your weekly church pew bulletins...
Love Hope and Justice in Action
Welcome to ABM’s new publication, Love, Hope and Justice in Action. This replaces our previous annual publication, the Project Book. Despite the change in format and name, this publication still contains everything that supporters...
From the ABM Archives
Stories from ABM’s extensive archive, located by Bronwyn Wood, ABM’s Archivist.
Martyrs’ Day Resources
Resources to use when commemorating the Martyrs of Papua New Guinea and Melanesia...
Fifth Mark of Mission
ABM encourages all our supporters to engage with the Season of Creation – from 1 September to 4 October this year and every year.
Successful church partnerships: a guidelines booklet
A document designed by ABM to assist Anglican churches and schools when contemplating a church partnership.
NAIDOC Week Resources
NATSIAC secretary, the Reverend Canon Auntie Di Langham has shared a copy of her NAIDOC week service and other NAIDOC resources ahead of NAIDOC Week (first Sunday in July until the second Sunday, inclusive).
God’s Own Country
Based on the Seven Days of Creation and with beautiful paintings by the Rev'd Aunty Robyn Davis, 'God's Own Country' is an essential, life-giving and challenging study.
Lent Study 2024
The Lent (or anytime) Studies are available in the links below. Join in!
Where do we go from here?
The season of Lent has a very clear direction. It leads us to the cross, and in the great Festival of Easter, takes us through death into...
The Voice Referendum
ABM has created a new resource page featuring links to resources, articles, websites etc which particularly express Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices on the proposed National Referendum to enshrine an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice in the Australian Constitution.
Sustainable Development Goals: bible study
A 7-part bible study that introduces the Global Goals for Sustainable Development through the work of ABM’s partners...
The Coming of the Light
1 July marks the anniversary of The Coming of the Light to the Torres Strait Islands. Read more about this important event in the church calendar.
The Imaginary Doorway
Our Education Missioner, Rev Stephen Daughtry, has produced another wonderful, thought-provoking, spirit-filled study for Lent 2023.
Prayers for Projects
All ABM and AID projects now have a special prayer written for them to assist you to join with us in praying for our partners and the work they are doing via projects which are supported by ABM or AID.
For previous years’ resources, please refer to our archive website here