Times change and we change with them
Update from the Chair of the ABM Board and the Executive Director
The Chair of the ABM Board, Reverend Andrew Sempell, has announced that ABM has separately incorporated ABM’s Development program as Anglicans in Development (AID) Ltd.
The new entity will carry on with the same partnerships and programs ABM currently manages, and will have the same vision and values, but will have the advantage of being recognised as a Public Benevolent Institution.
The change will allow ABM to more efficiently account for differences in Australia’s charity regulations and tax laws between ‘religious work’ and ‘benevolent work’ while still maintaining our same holistic approach to mission.
Andrew, who is also Acting Chair of the new AID Board said, “ABM has entered a new phase in its governance and management that will enable it to provide a more effective way of delivering its mission support to the wider world.
“The creation of Anglicans In Development will provide greater transparency and more effective delivery of our development programmes, while at the same time will offer ABM a more focused approach to its support of the church’s mission both here in Australia as well as internationally. It is a necessary, helpful, and exciting change that will provide benefits all round.”
Executive Director of ABM and now also of AID, the Reverend Dr John Deane added, “Over ABM’s long history we have come to understand that God’s mission is not static but dynamic. As contexts change so too does our understanding of what God’s Spirit calls us to be and to do. This realignment of ABM’s operation is designed to build upon our strengths and equip us better for our role in the 21st century.”
ABM, with Anglicans in Development, looks forward to continuing to work with partners and supporters so that together we may realise our vision “to see people everywhere experience the wholeness of life God offers in Jesus Christ, and support our partners as they participate in God’s mission”.

Reverend Andrew Sempell