

Support ABM AID’s partners to increase the reach, accessibility and quality of education for vulnerable children and adults.

ABM AID’s Education Program spans the full range of educational opportunities for all ages. From supporting good quality primary and secondary education it also promotes Adult Literacy and Numeracy. Beyond formal education, it encompasses the ongoing community development training that partners undertake with community groups. This support of a broad range of education leads to greater equality, more opportunities, and greater inclusion of those who would otherwise miss out.

You can read more about the specific examples of ABM AID’s partners engaged in the Gender Program by clicking on the links below.

Your gift to ABM AID will ensure our Education Program and partners continue to provide life-changing opportunities to students of all ages, so they can achieve their potential and become valuable members of their community.



Jesus, Son of God, you were found by Mary and Joseph in the Temple sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.

Send your Spirit upon the students in Kenya, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Vanuatu and fill them with your wisdom and blessings.

Grant to them discernment, insight and understanding. Let their teachers patiently and diligently share their knowledge and strive always to bring the truth to open minds.

Bless all those who support educational work through ABM AID.

We ask this, O Christ, for you are the Way, the Truth and the Life.


We hope to raise


for this program

Donation code: XG011


Donate Online Now

Your gift to ABM AID will ensure our Education Program and partners continue to provide life-changing opportunities to students of all ages, so they can achieve their potential and become valuable members of their community.

Click here for other donation options

Need help? Call us 1300 302 663

As noted, this is a tax-deductible project. All donations are in Australian dollars (AUD) and all gifts of $2 or more are tax-deductible. Gifts are received by the trustee for the ‘Anglicans in Development Ltd’ ABN 86 647 293 481 Gifts will be applied to the support of projects selected. In the unlikely event of projects being oversubscribed or not proceeding to completion, donations will be applied to similar projects.
