ABM has a rich and complicated history of involvement with the First Nations peoples of Australia, including some significant failings. We believe that the task of working for reconciliation within Australia is integral to mission.
Our Anglican Church is blessed by the sacrificial ministry of many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglicans. These leaders are often working with vastly inadequate resources, and in situations of very high need. ABM’s Reconciliation work strives to correct that inequity by lifting up the voices of these Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican leaders and channelling the generous giving of the wider Church to equip them to carry out the work they are called to do.
ABM believes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have unique gifts for our Church. ABM supports the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council (NATSIAC) and the National Aboriginal Bishop in their call to elevate the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the church, and in society. We believe that the voices emerging from the struggles of people marginalised in our own society help us to hear what the Spirit is saying to the church, and to prophetically imagine the future God is calling us into together.
Through its Reconciliation Fund, ABM provides a mechanism for NATSIAC to prioritise and fund local ministry initiatives by, for and with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Through its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Fund, ABM AID supports institutions and initiatives which advance Indigenous education and self-determination, such as Nungalinya College in Darwin and Gawura School in Sydney.
You can read more about ABM’s Reconciliation Fund and AID’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership Fund by clicking on the links below.
Your support of ABM’s and AID’s Reconciliation work will lift up the voices and equip the work of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partners.
Reconciliation Fund
Support the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Anglican Council (NATSIAC) as they prioritise funds for mission that benefits Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leadership
Support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to be leaders of churches and communities.
God of truth and love, we pray for forgiveness, we pray for healing, we pray that we might become united with each other through genuine reconciliation in this Great Southern Land.
Help us to have conversations that are marked by openness and goodwill, compassion and kindness, amity and justice. Give courage to those who tell their stories and a willingness to those who listen to them, that heartfelt understanding may be the result.
We thank you for all who support this vital work in the name of your Son who took on human flesh so that we might be reconciled to one another and to you.
Reconciliation Resources
Into the Desert
ABM invites you to journey into the Australian desert during Lent with 40 days of bible readings, reflections, sayings and prayer suggestions...
Songs from a Strange Land
Scripture readings, quotes, photographs, poems, cartoons and songs take you through Advent and Incarnation with a particular...
NAIDOC Week Resources
NATSIAC secretary, the Reverend Canon Auntie Di Langham has shared a copy of her NAIDOC week service and other NAIDOC resources ahead of NAIDOC Week (first Sunday in July until the second Sunday, inclusive).
God’s Own Country
Based on the Seven Days of Creation and with beautiful paintings by the Rev'd Aunty Robyn Davis, 'God's Own Country' is an essential, life-giving and challenging study.
The Voice Referendum
ABM has created a new resource page featuring links to resources, articles, websites etc which particularly express Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices on the proposed National Referendum to enshrine an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice in the Australian Constitution.
The Coming of the Light
1 July marks the anniversary of The Coming of the Light to the Torres Strait Islands. Read more about this important event in the church calendar.
A Voice in the Wilderness
This timely study is designed to help the church listen to the Statement from the Heart and to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christians.
Other Resources
Prayers for Reconciliation
See content here
Empower to Teach
Resources for schools supporting teachers to teach indigenous culture and history. www.empowertoteach.com.au
So that we Remember
Bringing awareness of Australia’s violent past, documented over a 365-day historical calendar. www.sothatweremember.com.au